COVID 19 Virus Challenges and Opportunities for Humans

Our clients are facing a severe challenge. We are also facing inquiries and orders reducing dramatically and that`s due to the epidemic breakout in the United States and Europe, the two major business units in the world.

All the countries are restraining unnecessary business activities such as schools, restaurants, shopping malls, tourism, and such behavior is definitely slowing down the economy. And therefore the demands were suppressed as well, you may start to receive fewer inquiries, and finalize fewer orders. People say this is a global crisis again, we just cannot agree.

Because this time the reason is so clear and obvious, it`s epidemic.

If China can contain the virus within one or two months, I don`t see any reason the United States, a country with even stronger comprehensive national power cannot solve the same problem, within the same time period.

Yes, they didn`t close down the whole country like what we have done. But the United States may come out with a whole different package of solutions, And just don`t forget the United States, UK, Japan, Germany, Canada, these countries are really famous in their pharmaceutical industries. They may come out with another solution, something like the vaccination.

Chinese way can contain the virus really quick, but these countries, they have a very strong possibility to solve the COVID 19 once for all. Of course, there is another possibility. We, China has developed a vaccination. Let`s see who can do it faster.

But no matter how, by the time of the end of May or the latest by the end of June, you will see the vaccination and just overnight you will see the market starts to boom. The price starts to shoot up, the inquiries start to float the river and you will start to receive the order.

We always see the business cycle, when you see the price and market going down, you can always expect a price and the market go up. It`s only a matter of time, be patient.

It`s good to start a long-term project. When the market comes back for sure, one day, someday, you will leave behind your competitor. It`s a global opportunity at the same time.

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