4 Essential Outdoor Camping Gear for Backpacking

Outdoor Camping Gear wholesale

Speaking of camping, if we want to have a very good experience, and we want to ensure that we do not give up easily during camping, we need to fully prepare our own equipment. This equipment must be the follower you keep walking until the end of the hike, it will not break, nor will it become a burden on you. So what equipment should I bring when camping for three days? I will introduce it to you below.

This is Everich Outdoor from China, As 10 years Manufacturing of outdoor gear. a company producing IPX 6.5+ waterproof backpack, dry bag, fishing bag, soft & ice cooler and other outdoor equipment such as camping chair and water bladders. We can customize for you outdoor gear projects, low-cost bulk orders. You can purchase wholesale outdoor gear one-stop, Looking forward to collaboration with you in the future.

1.60L waterproof hiking backpack

The waterproof hiking bag produced by our factory has been welcomed by many European and American brand buyers. The most popular type of outdoor backpack is the so-called 3-day backpack, which is a backpack that can carry about three days outdoors. The popularity of such backpacks is far beyond the traditional large-capacity mountaineering bags. Because the capacity of the hiking bag is very large, it can hold all our things, including tent sleeping bag clothes, basic equipment, etc. But a normal backpack with a sleeping bag is probably already fully loaded. At the same time, hiking, unlike walking on the road, can push the suitcase. Take trails, climb mountains, and camp while hiking. Therefore, for hiking, our equipment container must be a mountaineering bag. Made from tough 500D PVC, this beauty is weather-resistant and incredibly capable of withstanding the roughest of journeys.

2. Portable insulated cooler bag

Everich’s range of soft coolers can keep nearly any beverage cool or warm for a long time and is lightweight enough to be hand-carried. The outer fabric made of TPU materials can withstand puncture and tear damages while the inner liner maintains the compartment’s temperature. Our designers can also customize our coolers to include certain features such as straps or printed logos. Provide more choices to your customers while saving money by purchasing our low-cost MOQ 500 bulk orders.

soft sided cooler YSOD-SC012B

3. 2-liter Hydration Water Bladder

Everich solves hiker need taking out a bottle of water from the backpack this problem, which allows trekkers to take a drink without interrupting their hike. The pack is made from TPU, which is environmentally friendly and highly resistant against tearing. The 2-liter hydration bladder opening mouth is large enough so you can fill/refill water very easily even without taking it out of hydration backpack.

4. Portable folding camping chair

In addition, the camping chair has very rich application scenarios, meeting people’s rest needs in a variety of outdoor scenarios. In addition to camping, chairs can play an important role in fishing, picnics, motorcycle trips, mountaineering and hiking. When you’re tired from trekking, you can take out a foldable camping chair and sit down to relax and relieve fatigue. When camping, we spend most of our time sitting, which is more comfortable and portable than sitting on wet grass. Our camping chair will greatly increase our happiness in the outdoors, whether it is emptying, chatting, cooking, or lighting a fire, a chair makes outdoor life instantly comfortable.

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